About Us
Welcome To SCOC Ministries
This is a Christian based organization with a vision of evangelizing the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As a result of the call of God and observing the state of the Nations and spiritual condition of the body of Christ, the Spirit of the Lord inspired us as a ministry to launch out a neutral and central divine pool of fellowship and spiritual gathering, where believers can come together to call upon the Lord in a deeper and fervent way in order to see his intervention in all our life affairs spiritually, socially, economically, physically, and even politically, as well as proclaiming the genuine Christ-centered message of His gospel. So, we invite and welcome you to participate with us in Jesus name and you will be blessed. Thank you.
NB. Your financial partnership is highly appreciated.
Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world.
Taking the Divine Presence of the Lord to the nations of the world.
Our belief:
We believe in the holy and true Trinity.
We believe in the blood of Jesus.
We believe in the whole counsel of the holy scriptures.
We believe in the unity of the body of Christ.
We believe in the raising of the dead and the second coming of Christ.
Our values:
Prayer and fasting
Word of God
Discipleship and missions
Holiness and Righteousness
Evangelism/soul winning
Healing and Deliverance